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The Project of Improving Public Service Quality with Fast-Check Air Pollution Cases in 2011.

In recent years as a result of the level of living promotion, environmental protection consciousness rising, people no longer ignore and tolerate public nuisance, resulting in more and more accuse action of environmental pollution. According to the Environmental Reporting Centre, the acceptance of environmental pollution cases of number over 3500 in this county in recent years, due to reduce the environmental pollution cases. In this project we stand by 24 hours for fast arrivaling and checking pollution status. Execute the best efficient outlawed mode to inhibit pollution produced. Through counsel the polluter to reduce the pollutants. This project offer fast detection pollution and process polltants properly. Provide best service of report environment problem. Beside, Through conduct many advocacy activities to tell people to face the environmental problem, then reduce pollution cases. Finally, to provide the best quality environment of service of the county.
Nuisance cases, Source of pollution, Degree of satisfaction